Red River Recovery Center
Dilworth, Minnesota
Questions commonly asked by persons considering admission to Red River Recovery Center...
Can I have a cell phone?
Yes, you may have a cell phone. Of course cell phones are not permitted in one-on-one counseling sessions or in groups. Cell phones must be out of use during designated quiet time in the evening. We also have a client phone for local calls.
Can I have a vehicle?
Yes, you may have a vehicle. You must provide Red River Recovery Center with a copy of your valid driver's license, proof of insurance as well as documentation of vehicle ownership in order to keep a vehicle on property.
Am I allowed to use tobacco products during my stay at Red River Recovery Center?
Yes. Tobacco products and e-cigarettes are allowed but only in designated areas.
Am I allowed to work?
Yes. Clients in low intensity programming are encouraged to gain employment while they are residing at Red River Recovery. Clients in medium intensity programming are allowed to work (maximum 30 hours/week) once they begin phase three. Although more restricted in mobility, medium intensity clients spend some programming time planning for employment.
What are the resrictions for cients at Red River Recovery Center?
Upon admission, Low Intensity clients are on two days of house restriction in which they must stay on property. After house restriction clients transition to five days of "buddy" restriction. On buddy restriction, clients are allowed to sign in and out of the facility with a peer for four hour blocks of time. Clients may apply for day passes on Friday, Saturday or Sunday once all restrictions are lifted. Overnight passes are reserved for those preparing for transition to their new residence. Clients participating in Medium Intensity programming have additional restrictions that lessen as clients pass through the three phases of Medium Intensity.